Created for buyers of THOMAS products in Ukraine
The program started on 19.10.2019
  • Why is it called a Family CLub? What are its goals? Who is it intended for?
    The answer is very simple - it is the desire to unite device users THOMAS into a large family of those who love the comfort of home, who wants to talk about their experience of creating cleanliness and order in the house, learn about the experiences of others. THOMAS FAMILY CLUB was created for buyers of THOMAS products in Ukraine.
  • For admission toTHOMAS FAMILY CLUB it is enough to purchase THOMAS products in Ukraine. The list of devices participating in the program can be found in registration form, and also on a separate page here or on the website they are marked with a club sign.
  • The date of purchase of the THOMAS product must be no earlier than 10.19.2019.
  • When purchasing vacuum cleaners from DryBox, you can become a member of the program VIP-SERVICE with a 48-month appliance warranty and additional services.
If you have any wishes, comments or ideas, please contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions and take into account your wishes.
Our contacts
Information support THOMAS
Information support on issues related to the operation of THOMAS home appliances , its buying, improvement, etc.
THOMAS accessories and consumables at a discount
Accessories and consumables with a 10% discount for 36 months from the date of purchase of the vacuum cleaner on products marked with the THOMAS CLUB mark in the company store
Participation in the monthly drawing of prizes and gifts from THOMAS and the super prize in the New Year's lottery
Participation in the monthly drawing of prizes and gifts from THOMAS and the super prize in the New Year's lottery
Information about all promotions and bonus programs
Information about all promotions and bonus programs
Possibility of participation in club programs
Possibility of participation in club programs
Для реєстрації участі у програмі THOMAS FAMILY CLUB
заповніть будь ласка анкету
Прізвище *
Ім`я *
По батькові *
E-mail *
Заводський номер * (Приклад)
Код дати * (Приклад)
Дата продажу*
Місто продажу*
Компанія продавець*
Фото чека*
Заводський номер (фото) *

Я дозволяю присилати на мій e-mail повідомлення з сайту (можна заборонити в 1 клік)

Я приймаю умови використання даних, що надаються мною. Докладніше ознайомитися з цими умовами можна ТУТ

У випадку виникнення питань з реєстрації або членства у клубі, зв'яжитесь з нами: КОНТАКТИ